In the movie The Island (1980), journalist Blair Maynard embarks on an investigation with his son Justin to uncover pirate activity in the waters off the Florida coast. However, their plans take a dangerous turn when they become stranded on an island controlled by modern-day pirates. As they struggle to escape, Blair discovers that the pirates have brainwashed Justin, making their rescue mission even more challenging.
Blair must now navigate the treacherous island and outsmart the pirates in order to save his son and bring him back home safely. Filled with suspense and action, The Island takes viewers on a thrilling adventure as Blair races against time to free Justin from the pirates' clutches.
With captivating performances and a gripping storyline, this movie delivers a gripping tale of survival, loyalty, and the lengths a father will go to protect his son.Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure as Blair fights to save Justin and escape the island of modern-day pirates in this heart-pounding film.
Also Known As:
The IslandRelease Date:
13 Jun 1980Writers:
Peter BenchleyAwards:
2 nominations