In the movie Garfield Coquillage (2022), viewers are transported to a huge deserted beach where two friends, Killian and Maxime, embark on a quest to find a mysterious orange shell known as the Garfield telephone. This unique shell has been washing up on the coast for decades, sparking intrigue and curiosity among the locals.
As Killian and Maxime navigate the vast expanse of the beach, they encounter various obstacles and challenges that test their friendship and determination. Along the way, they uncover clues and unravel secrets that lead them closer to uncovering the true origins and significance of the elusive Garfield telephone.
Filled with suspense, adventure, and unexpected twists, Garfield Coquillage offers a captivating and heartwarming tale that explores the power of friendship, discovery, and the unknown. Join Killian and Maxime on their thrilling journey as they search for the truth behind the legendary Garfield telephone.
Also Known As:
Garfield CoquillageRelease Date:
16 Mar 2022