Rattled! (2022) is a dark crime comedy that follows a group of Vegas criminals who find themselves in deep trouble after kidnapping the wrong person and leaving behind crucial evidence. As they struggle to cover their tracks, their incompetence and bad luck only seem to escalate their predicament. With fate closing in on them, this ragtag crew must navigate a series of missteps and blunders that threaten to unravel their entire operation.
Filled with humor, suspense, and unexpected twists, Rattled! (2022) keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the criminals attempt to outmaneuver their pursuers while battling their own ineptitude. With a talented cast and a cleverly crafted plot, this film offers a thrilling and entertaining ride that will leave audiences guessing until the very end.
Don't miss out on this gripping and hilarious crime caper, streaming now on your favorite platform.
Filled with humor, suspense, and unexpected twists, Rattled! (2022) keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the criminals attempt to outmaneuver their pursuers while battling their own ineptitude. With a talented cast and a cleverly crafted plot, this film offers a thrilling and entertaining ride that will leave audiences guessing until the very end.
Don't miss out on this gripping and hilarious crime caper, streaming now on your favorite platform.