In the hilarious action-comedy film Beverly Hills Ninja (1997), we follow the journey of Haru, a man who dreams of becoming a great ninja despite lacking traditional skills. When a beautiful woman seeks his help, Haru sets out to rescue her with the assistance of his unsuspecting American half-brother. Together, they navigate the glamorous and treacherous streets of Beverly Hills to unravel a dangerous mystery and save the day.
Filled with slapstick humor, impressive martial arts sequences, and heartwarming moments, Beverly Hills Ninja is a delightful blend of action and comedy. As Haru and his brother embark on their adventure, they encounter a variety of eccentric characters and face numerous comedic obstacles that test their unconventional partnership. With its mix of thrilling fight scenes and laugh-out-loud moments, this film is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
Join Haru and his unlikely sidekick on a wild ride through Beverly Hills as they prove that sometimes, heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Beverly Hills Ninja is a comedic gem that will leave you laughing and cheering for the underdog until the very end.
Also Known As:
Beverly Hills NinjaRelease Date:
17 Jan 1997Writers:
Mark Feldberg, Mitchell KlebanoffAwards:
1 nomination