In the 1977 film Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals, photojournalist Emanuelle embarks on a dangerous adventure to uncover the existence of an Amazon cannibal tribe that was believed to be extinct. Alongside her, an anthropologist, two female missionary workers, and a group of hunters join forces to navigate through the treacherous jungle. As they delve deeper into the heart of the Amazon, they encounter a series of shocking and barbaric rituals performed by the cannibal tribe, challenging their beliefs and survival instincts.
The film explores themes of exploration, danger, and the clash of cultures as Emanuelle and her companions come face-to-face with the brutal reality of the cannibalistic tribe. With stunning visuals and intense sequences, Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals is a gripping and provocative film that pushes the boundaries of traditional exploitation cinema. Join Emanuelle on her perilous journey as she uncovers the secrets of the last surviving cannibal tribe in the Amazon.
Also Known As:
Emanuelle and the Last CannibalsRelease Date:
21 Oct 1977Writers:
Joe D'Amato, Romano Scandariato