In the 1995 film Wild Bill, viewers are taken on a journey through the early career of the legendary lawman Wild Bill Hickock. The movie follows his exploits as a skilled gunslinger, culminating in his relocation to the town of Deadwood. There, Hickock reunites with his old acquaintance, the spirited Calamity Jane.
As Wild Bill navigates the challenges of maintaining order in the volatile town of Deadwood, he must also come to terms with his tumultuous past. The film delves into Hickock's complex relationships and the inner demons that drive him, painting a vivid portrait of a man torn between his reputation as a fearsome gunslinger and the vulnerabilities that lie beneath the surface.
Through stunning cinematography and powerful performances, Wild Bill captures the essence of the Wild West and the larger-than-life characters who inhabited it. With a mix of action, drama, and emotional depth, this film is a gripping exploration of one of the most iconic figures in American history.
Also Known As:
Wild BillRelease Date:
01 Dec 1995Writers:
Peter Dexter, Thomas Babe, Walter HillAwards:
3 nominations