In The Air I Breathe (2007), viewers are taken on a journey through the intertwined lives of multiple characters, each representing one of the four essential emotions: happiness, pleasure, sorrow, and love. The film follows a businessman who risks everything on a horse race, a gangster who has a unique ability to predict the future, a pop star who becomes entangled with a dangerous crime boss, and a doctor who must fight to save the woman he loves.
As their stories unfold, the characters find themselves facing moral dilemmas, difficult decisions, and unexpected twists of fate that test their relationships and ultimately lead them to confront the true nature of their emotions. With a stellar cast including Kevin Bacon, Forest Whitaker, and Sarah Michelle Gellar, The Air I Breathe offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience and the interconnectedness of our feelings. Discover how these characters navigate through life's challenges and discover the depths of their own emotions in this gripping drama based on an ancient Chinese proverb.
Also Known As:
The Air I BreatheRelease Date:
17 Oct 2008Writers:
Jieho Lee, Bob DeRosa