In the 1995 satirical comedy film Canadian Bacon, the U.S. President finds himself facing low approval ratings and seeks to boost his popularity by fabricating a conflict with Canada. As tensions escalate between the two countries, a group of American citizens and a sheriff from the U.S.-Canada border town come together to uncover the truth and prevent a potential war.
Filled with witty humor and political satire, Canadian Bacon explores themes of nationalism, media manipulation, and the absurdity of international conflicts. The film offers a lighthearted take on political dynamics as it follows the quirky characters navigating the escalating tensions between the neighboring countries.
As the comedic events unfold, viewers are taken on a hilarious journey that challenges their perceptions of patriotism and patriotism. With a talented cast led by John Candy, Alan Alda, and Rhea Perlman, Canadian Bacon delivers a mix of laughs and social commentary that will leave audiences entertained and thoughtful.
Also Known As:
Canadian BaconRelease Date:
22 Sep 1995Writers:
Michael Moore