Terminus (1987) is a high-octane futuristic film set in a world where an intense international sport has emerged. The premise revolves around a driver in a computerized truck who must navigate dangerous terrain to reach the designated terminus while evading obstacles set by rival vehicles. The lead truck, aptly named Monster, is a technological marvel created by a young prodigy and is entrusted to be driven by a skilled woman through the treacherous course.
Drawing comparison to the iconic Mad Max series, Terminus promises adrenaline-pumping action and intense competitions as the protagonist battles against all odds to emerge victorious. With cutting-edge technology and high-stakes challenges, the film delivers a thrilling viewing experience that will keep audiences at the edge of their seats.
Immerse yourself in the fast-paced world of Terminus as it takes you on a gripping journey filled with excitement, danger, and unexpected twists. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure as you witness the ultimate test of skill and courage in a race to the finish line.
Also Known As:
TerminusRelease Date:
28 Jan 1987Writers:
Pierre-William Glenn, Patrice Duvic, Alain Gillot