In the animated series Tree Fu Tom (2012–), viewers are introduced to Tom, a young boy who discovers a magical world hidden in the woods behind his house. In this enchanting realm, Tom transforms into a superhero known as Tree Fu Tom. With the help of his friends, including the adventurous Twigs and the wise Ariela, Tom embarks on exciting adventures to protect the fantastical world of Treetopolis.
As Tree Fu Tom, Tom uses his special powers to solve problems and overcome challenges, teaching valuable lessons about friendship, cooperation, and environmental conservation along the way. Filled with colorful characters, vibrant animation, and imaginative storytelling, Tree Fu Tom is a captivating series that engages young audiences with its fun and educational content.
Join Tom and his friends as they navigate the magical world of Treetopolis, where teamwork and bravery are essential to saving the day. Perfect for families and young viewers, Tree Fu Tom is an entertaining and heartwarming series that inspires creativity and imagination.
Also Known As:
Tree Fu TomRelease Date:
05 Mar 2012Writers:
Daniel Bays, Dan Hodgkins