In White Paradise (2022), Samuel, a resident of the mesmerizing Italian Alps, embarks on a life-altering journey to assist Chehreh, a courageous Afghan woman, in her quest to reach France. This powerful tale explores their arduous efforts to overcome the treacherous landscape, unforgiving elements, and the cruelty perpetrated by the inhabitants of this remote region.
As Samuel and Chehreh navigate the hostile nature surrounding them, they find solace in their shared determination and resilience. The film beautifully captures the breathtaking beauty of the Italian Alps while also delving into the darker aspects of humanity.
White Paradise sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals forced to embark on perilous migration journeys. With its poignant storytelling, the film offers a profound reflection on the human condition, evoking empathy and compassion for those fleeing unimaginable hardships.
This thought-provoking cinematic experience is a testament to the endurance of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It highlights the sacrifices made by individuals who risk it all for a chance at a better life. White Paradise serves as a reminder of the importance of unity, understanding, and the compassion needed to navigate the complexities of the world we inhabit.
Immerse yourself in this gripping tale as Samuel and Chehreh's intertwined destinies unfold against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes and the challenging realities of migration.
Also Known As:
White ParadiseRelease Date:
04 Jan 2023Writers:
Clément Peny, Guillaume Renusson