Taelgia is a suspenseful drama series that revolves around the lives of families, police, and criminals in the city of Södertälje. The characters find themselves entangled in a web of loyalty and the relentless demands of their surroundings. The story particularly focuses on the younger generation of criminals, known as the runners, who engage in activities such as selling drugs and operating getaway mopeds.
As the runners navigate their dangerous underworld, they suddenly find themselves forced to undertake even riskier missions, leading to a blend of fear and pride. These young individuals, some of whom are children, become the central focus of the narrative. Simultaneously, their families struggle to keep them on the right path, with siblings and parents grappling with the challenges of guiding and protecting their vulnerable children.
Taelgia delves into the complexities of the lives intertwined with crime, exploring the emotional turmoil experienced by both the criminals and their loved ones. This gripping series highlights the human side of these characters, shedding light on their personal journeys and internal conflicts. With its compelling storyline and multi-dimensional characters, Taelgia will undoubtedly captivate viewers looking for an intense and thought-provoking drama.