In the heartwarming Swedish comedy Bättre sent än aldrig (Better Late Than Never), five beloved gentlemen, Claes Malmberg, Thomas Ravelli, Harald Treutiger, Kjell Bergqvist, and Peter Magnusson, embark on the biggest adventure of their lives as they check off items from their bucket lists.
The film follows the hilarious and heartwarming journey of these five well-known personalities as they push their boundaries, overcome fears, and embrace new experiences. From daring stunts to emotional reunions, the group navigates through unexpected challenges, forming strong bonds along the way.
Directed by Erik Leijonborg, Bättre sent än aldrig embodies the spirit of living life to the fullest and seizing opportunities, regardless of age. With its charming characters, witty dialogue, and beautiful Scandinavian landscapes, the film captures the essence of friendship and the power of shared experiences.
This comedy-drama not only entertains but also delivers powerful messages about second chances, self-discovery, and the importance of fulfilling dreams. Full of surprises, laughter, and heartfelt moments, Bättre sent än aldrig is a feel-good film that will leave audiences inspired to embrace life's adventures and cherish the people around them.
Join these five unforgettable gentlemen on their journey of a lifetime in Bättre sent än aldrig, and discover the joy of pursuing dreams and creating lasting memories.