In the heartwarming movie Master Cheng (2019), Cheng, a skilled chef, sets out on a journey to a remote village in Finland after his wife's passing. Accompanied by his young son, he aims to reconnect with an old Finnish friend he once met in Shanghai.
As Cheng arrives in this idyllic village, he encounters a close-knit community that lives in harmony with nature. The villagers, curious about Cheng's cooking talents, persuade him to open a restaurant and share his culinary skills with them. Cheng agrees, and his authentic Chinese dishes captivate the locals.
Amidst this newfound hospitality, Cheng begins to forge deep connections with the villagers, inspiring them to follow their dreams. Through his passion for cooking, he not only transforms the villagers' culinary experiences but also ignites a transformational journey for himself and his son.
Master Cheng is a heartwarming tale that embraces the themes of friendship, love, and rediscovery. It captures the beauty of cultural exchange and demonstrates how food can be a universal language that bridges gaps between different cultures.
Join Cheng and his son on their transformative journey, as they discover the indomitable spirit of human connection and the power of delectable cuisine in Master Cheng.
Also Known As:
Master ChengRelease Date:
27 Sep 2019Writers:
Hannu OravistoAwards:
1 win