Hamster & Gretel is an exciting and heartwarming animated series that centers around the adventures of Gretel and her remarkable pet hamster. In a surprising turn of events, Gretel discovers that she has acquired extraordinary abilities, and her devoted older brother, Kevin, takes on the responsibility of keeping her and their city safe from unforeseen threats.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey as Kevin attempts to navigate the challenges of protecting Gretel and their beloved city. Along the way, he must learn to embrace the unique strengths of both Gretel and her hamster, forming an unbreakable bond as they face mysterious dangers.
This animated series is brimming with action, humor, and heart, captivating audiences of all ages. Fans will delight in the imaginative world-building, where ordinary pets become extraordinary, and siblings become a formidable team against evil. With its vibrant animation and compelling storytelling, Hamster & Gretel is an enchanting tale that showcases the power of family and the importance of embracing one's individuality.
Join Gretel, her loyal hamster, and her protective brother Kevin in this epic adventure that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next thrilling installment.
Also Known As:
Hamster & GretelRelease Date:
12 Aug 2022Writers:
Dan PovenmireAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations