In Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (2010), Tinker Bell finds herself on a captivating adventure. In order to protect their existence from humans, she reluctantly joins forces with a rival fairy named Vidia. Tinker Bell's mission is to save the fairies after a human named Lizzy discovers their secret world.
When Lizzy captures Tinker Bell, she becomes fascinated by the fairy world and desperately wants to prove its existence to her skeptical father. Determined to return to her fairy friends, Tinker Bell must convince Lizzy that fairies are real. Together with Vidia, the two fairies embark on a thrilling journey through the English countryside, encountering various obstacles along the way.
Throughout their adventures, Tinker Bell and Vidia teach Lizzy the importance of trust, friendship, and believing in the impossible. As they search for a way to release Tinker Bell from captivity, the fairies face countless challenges, testing their bravery and resourcefulness.
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue is a heartwarming and enchanting film that showcases the magic and wonder of the fairy world. It explores themes of friendship, family, and the power of imagination. Join Tinker Bell and her friends on this extraordinary adventure that will captivate both children and adults alike.
Also Known As:
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy RescueRelease Date:
21 Sep 2010Writers:
Bob Hilgenberg (screenplay), Rob Muir (screenplay), Joe Ansolabehere (screenplay), Paul Germain (screenplay), Bradley Raymond (story), Jeffrey M. Howard (story)Awards:
1 win & 1 nomination.