Buddy Goes West is a thrilling 1981 adventure-comedy film that follows the escapades of two outlaws, known as The doctor (played by Bud Spencer) and Girolamo, a member of the first nation (played by Amidou). The unlikely duo find themselves in a small village where they encounter a gang and a corrupt sheriff who has stumbled upon a valuable secret: gold hidden beneath the village.
With the villagers in dire need of help, The doctor and Girolamo use their unique skills to assist the locals in fighting against the gang and the corrupt sheriff. Their mission is not only to protect the village but also to ensure that the villagers can retain their rightful ownership of the gold.
Buddy Goes West is packed with thrilling action sequences, hilarious comedic moments, and heartwarming interactions between its charismatic leads. As the duo takes on the bad guys and helps the villagers, they form a genuine bond, making this film not just an action-packed adventure but also a heartwarming tale of friendship and justice.
Directed by Michele Lupo and featuring captivating performances from Bud Spencer and Amidou, Buddy Goes West is a must-watch for fans of classic Westerns and action-comedy films. Embark on this exciting journey with The doctor and Girolamo as they bring justice to a small village and uncover the hidden treasures beneath it.
Also Known As:
Buddy Goes WestRelease Date:
06 Mar 1981Writers:
Sergio Donati, Gene LuottoAwards:
1 win