Better is a compelling crime drama series set in the year 2023, following the journey of a corrupt police detective who undergoes a profound moral revelation that leads him to embark on a path of redemption. The series revolves around the protagonist's decision to rectify two decades of illicit activities and seek justice for his past wrongdoing.
As the story unfolds, viewers witness the detective's painful awakening, providing ample insight into the complex world of law enforcement and its inherent flaws. The show expertly delves into the moral gray areas that exist within the justice system, inviting audiences to question their own beliefs and perceptions of right and wrong.
Better is a thought-provoking and intense series that skillfully tackles themes of corruption, morality, and the pursuit of justice. Its compelling narrative keeps audiences engaged as they follow the protagonist's gripping personal journey of atonement.
With stellar performances from a talented cast and meticulous attention to detail, Better showcases the struggle for redemption and the lengths one man will go to right his past wrongs. This gripping crime drama is a must-watch for fans of complex storytelling and engaging character development.
Also Known As:
BetterRelease Date:
13 Feb 2023Writers:
Jonathan Brackley, Sam Vincent