In the distant future, Earth is on the brink of destruction, with war ravaging the planet and rendering it uninhabitable. In the midst of this chaos, the fate of a civil war is resting on a groundbreaking experiment. Jung_E takes us on a thrilling journey into the 22nd century, where the future of humanity lies within the creation of a robot mercenary.
To turn the tides of the war, scientists embark on an audacious mission to clone the brain of a highly skilled and elite soldier. This soldier, whose identity remains a mystery, possesses unparalleled combat capabilities that could tip the balance in favor of either side. By infusing the cloned brain into a cutting-edge robotic body, the ultimate weapon is born—Jung_E.
As this advanced cyborg embarks on its mission, it faces a race against time to secure victory for its side. But challenges and unexpected revelations lie ahead, testing the limits of Jung_E's newfound existence. Will the robot mercenary fulfill its purpose and turn the tide of the war, or will it fall victim to its own humanity?
Jung_E is an action-packed and thought-provoking sci-fi film that explores the ethical implications of cloning and artificial intelligence while pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human. Get ready to be immersed in a world teeming with danger, mystery, and existential questions as you witness the rise of the ultimate soldier in a fight for survival.
Also Known As:
Jung_ERelease Date:
20 Jan 2023Writers:
Sang-ho Yeon