Dopamin is a captivating drama series that revolves around the lives of nurse Maiken and her fiancé, Doctor Jacob, who find themselves trapped in a passionless relationship. Their mundane existence takes an unexpected turn when a charismatic Norwegian nurse named Ida joins their hospital ward. Ida's enchanting personality and seductive nature ignite a spark and create a complex love triangle.
As the story unfolds, Maiken and Jacob grapple with their feelings for Ida, leading to a series of intense and emotionally charged moments. The series explores the themes of desire, love, and the fragility of relationships, delving into the dynamics of human connection and the consequences of pursuing forbidden desires.
With compelling performances from the cast and a thought-provoking storyline, Dopamin masterfully captures the complexities of modern relationships. Each episode unravels the intricate layers of the characters' emotions, taking the audience on an emotional rollercoaster of love, longing, and heartbreak.
With its gripping narrative and relatable characters, Dopamin offers a mesmerizing viewing experience that examines the power dynamics within relationships and the often-unpredictable nature of human desire. Don't miss this captivating series that explores the intricacies of love and passion.
Also Known As:
DopaminRelease Date:
31 Mar 2022Writers:
Malthe Koch, Christian Vangsgaard, Martin Winther