In the heartwarming holiday movie Christmas in Homestead, a small town mayor's life takes an unexpected turn when a renowned actress comes to film her latest Christmas movie in their picturesque community. The film follows the Mayor, Jessica, as she navigates the whirlwind of events that arise from the actress' arrival.
As the filming progresses, Jessica finds herself developing a unique bond with the actress, who is looking for a sense of normalcy amidst her glamorous and hectic lifestyle. The strong connection between the two women not only provides them with newfound friendship but also offers an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.
However, Jessica's newfound happiness is threatened when a media scandal unfolds, putting the entire film production at risk. Determined to protect her community and their cherished Christmas traditions, Jessica is faced with making some tough decisions that will impact her own personal happiness.
Christmas in Homestead is a heartwarming tale of love, friendship, and the importance of embracing the magic of the holiday season. With its picturesque setting and endearing characters, this film captures the essence of Christmas and the power of small-town charm. Join Jessica and the famous actress as they navigate through unexpected challenges, and discover the true meaning of Christmas in the process.
Also Known As:
Christmas in HomesteadRelease Date:
24 Nov 2016Writers:
Rick Garman