In the action-packed thriller Paradise City (2022), viewers are taken on a high-octane journey as Ryan Swan seeks justice and revenge in the dangerous underworld of Hawaii. After witnessing the brutal murder of his father by a ruthless kingpin, Swan embarks on a mission to avenge his father's death and bring down the criminal empire that has plagued the paradise city.
Set against the backdrop of stunning Hawaiian landscapes, the film immerses audiences in a world filled with crime, corruption, and unpredictable twists. As Swan delves deeper into the seedy underbelly of the island, he encounters a web of deceit and betrayal, testing his resolve and putting his life at constant risk.
Paradise City delivers pulse-pounding action sequences, gripping suspense, and unexpected alliances as Swan carves his way through the criminal hierarchy. With every step closer to his ultimate goal, Swan must outsmart his adversaries and confront his own haunted past.
With stellar performances from a talented ensemble cast and breathtaking cinematography capturing the beauty and danger of Hawaii, Paradise City offers an adrenaline-fueled experience that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. Prepare for an immersive and thrilling cinematic experience as Swan journeys through Paradise City, seeking justice and closure in a world where violence and corruption reign.
Also Known As:
Paradise CityRelease Date:
11 Nov 2022Writers:
Edward Drake, Corey Large, Chuck Russell