In Hundtricket: The Movie (2002), a shy yet hopelessly romantic young man embarks on a mission to meet a girl by utilizing a clever trick. Armed with a borrowed dog, he hopes to capture her attention and win her heart. To his surprise, his ploy succeeds beyond his wildest dreams, and the two individuals quickly find themselves falling in love.
Directed by Christian Eklöw and Christopher Panov and set in Stockholm, this Swedish romantic comedy explores themes of love, fate, and the power of connection. The film takes viewers on a charming journey as the young man discovers the joy and complications of navigating a blossoming romance.
Full of heartwarming moments and cleverly crafted humor, Hundtricket: The Movie showcases the quirky and endearing performance of the lead actor in a role which audiences will find relatable and amusing. With the beautiful scenery of Stockholm as its backdrop, the film captures the essence of a city filled with romance and possibility.
With its successful portrayal of the universal desire for love and its light-hearted tone, Hundtricket: The Movie is a delightful and entertaining film that will appeal to audiences seeking a heartwarming romantic comedy.
Also Known As:
Hundtricket: The MovieRelease Date:
25 Oct 2002Writers:
Christian Eklöw, Christopher PanovAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination