Follow That Bird (1985) is a heartwarming family film that follows the beloved character Big Bird on an unforgettable adventure. Big Bird is forced to leave Sesame Street and live with a social worker named Miss Finch in a faraway town. Feeling homesick and out of place, Big Bird decides to run away, prompting his friends from Sesame Street, including Oscar the Grouch, Bert and Ernie, and Cookie Monster, to embark on a daring cross-country mission to find him.
As the film unfolds, viewers are treated to a delightful journey filled with memorable characters, catchy songs, and valuable life lessons. Along the way, the Sesame Street gang encounters a host of colorful individuals, including a family of Dodos, a singing truck driver, and a group of well-meaning but misguided bird enthusiasts.
Through their determination and teamwork, the friends navigate various challenges and eventually reunite with Big Bird. The heartwarming conclusion demonstrates the importance of friendship, love, and finding one's true home.
Follow That Bird is a timeless classic that appeals to audiences of all ages. With its positive messages, lovable characters, and engaging storyline, this film is a must-watch for anyone seeking wholesome entertainment and family fun. Join Big Bird and his Sesame Street friends on an unforgettable adventure that will warm your heart and leave you with a smile.
Also Known As:
Follow That BirdRelease Date:
02 Aug 1985Writers:
Tony Geiss, Judy FreudbergAwards:
1 nomination