Every Other Holiday (2018) is a heartfelt family movie that revolves around Tracie and Rick, recently separated parents who have a unique arrangement. They spend every other holiday with their two young daughters, Harper and Ava. However, this Christmas, the girls have a special wish – to spend the holiday with both Mom and Dad together.
In their quest to make their daughters' wish come true, Tracie and Rick decide to put their differences aside and spend Christmas together as a family. They embark on a nostalgic journey in their small hometown, navigating through their past memories and rediscovering the love they once shared.
As they navigate the challenges of reuniting, the family finds themselves encountering unexpected events and quirky characters along the way. With laughter and tears, they learn valuable lessons about forgiveness, the power of love, and the importance of spending quality time as a family.
Every Other Holiday is a heartwarming story that explores the complexities of modern families and highlights the importance of putting aside differences for the sake of love and unity. With relatable characters, a charming small-town setting, and a touch of holiday magic, this film is sure to warm the hearts of viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Every Other HolidayRelease Date:
18 Jun 2019Writers:
Andrea Gyertson Nasfell