Christmas Unwrapped is a heartwarming holiday film that follows a pragmatic reporter as she embarks on a feature story that promises to bring a touch of magic to the season. The story centers around a man named Eric, who runs a charity that provides Christmas gifts to those in need. What sets Eric's charity apart is his unwavering belief that all the gifts are magically supplied by none other than Santa Claus himself.
As the skeptical reporter delves deeper into Eric's claims, she finds herself drawn into the enchanting world of Christmas. Along the way, she begins to question her own beliefs and starts to wonder if there is more to Eric's story than meets the eye. With each twist and turn, the reporter finds herself captivated by the spirit of the season and the possibility that Christmas miracles really do exist.
Christmas Unwrapped is a tale that explores the power of kindness, love, and the magic of Christmas. It beautifully illustrates the transformation that can occur when we open our hearts and embrace the wonder that this special time of year brings. Full of heartwarming moments, laughter, and festive cheer, this film is sure to leave viewers feeling inspired and filled with the holiday spirit.
Join the reporter on her journey as she uncovers the truth behind Eric's charity and learns the true meaning of Christmas in this delightful and uplifting holiday film.
Also Known As:
Christmas UnwrappedRelease Date:
24 Oct 2020Writers:
Carley Smale, Gary Hardwick