On a farm in the late 1800s, a gripping tale unfolds in the movie Du som er i himlen (2021), as a mother's complicated labor sets the stage for a suspenseful night. The story revolves around 14-year-old Lise, who finds herself tasked with preparing for a life-altering experience. As the hours tick by, tension builds, highlighting the emotional journey that lies ahead.
Set against the backdrop of a rural farm, this historical drama delves into the themes of family, resilience, and the trials of childbirth. Lise's impending responsibilities and the uncertainty of her mother's condition create a captivating narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
With a focus on character development and an authentic portrayal of the late 1800s era, Du som er i himlen transports viewers to a different time and place. This immersive experience allows viewers to empathize with Lise's anxieties and hopes.
Directed by an accomplished filmmaker, this thought-provoking film combines stunning cinematography with a powerful screenplay, ensuring a captivating viewing experience. Du som er i himlen is bound to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative and evocative depiction of a pivotal moment in Lise's life.
Also Known As:
As in HeavenRelease Date:
10 Feb 2022Writers:
Tea Lindeburg, Marie BregendahlAwards:
3 wins & 3 nominations