Summary: In the captivating drama film Dangerous Liaisons (2022), viewers are drawn into the intriguing world of deceit, manipulation, and ill-fated romance. Set in a picturesque Biarritz high school, the story revolves around Célène, a brilliant and unsuspecting young woman who becomes entangled in a wicked wager orchestrated by Tristan, a charismatic and rebellious troublemaker. Unbeknownst to Célène, Tristan has made a heartless bet with the popular social media influencer, Vanessa, to win her affection.
As Célène navigates her newfound relationship with Tristan, she is unaware of the web of deception that surrounds her. The stakes become higher as the manipulative game reaches its climax, leaving Célène's innocence and trusting nature at the mercy of Tristan's cold-hearted tactics. With Vanessa slyly pulling the strings behind the scenes, the consequences of the cruel bet threaten to shatter Célène's world.
Dangerous Liaisons (2022) delves deep into themes of power, desire, and the fragility of human emotions. The gripping narrative keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the intricate power dynamics and scheming unfold. This modern adaptation of the classic tale of love and betrayal is a masterclass in psychological drama, enriched with compelling performances by the talented cast. As the characters' lives intertwine and secrets are revealed, audiences will be captivated by the unexpected twists and turns of this captivating story.
Also Known As:
Dangerous LiaisonsRelease Date:
08 Jul 2022Writers:
Slimane-Baptiste Berhoun, Choderlos de Laclos, Rachel Suissa