Arthur Rambo is a captivating and thought-provoking film that revolves around the enigmatic persona of Karim D., a young and talented writer who captures the attention of the media. As his popularity soars, uncovering the truth behind his alter ego becomes a central focus. Karim D., or Arthur Rambo as he is known online, is haunted by a past filled with hate-filled messages that resurface from his social media accounts.
The film delves into the conflict between Karim D.'s present success and the skeletons in his digital closet. Viewers are taken on a mesmerizing journey as they try to piece together the puzzle of Karim D.'s dual identity. With brilliant performances and gripping storytelling, Arthur Rambo explores the power and consequences of the digital age.
As questions arise about who Karim D. truly is, the film prompts important discussions around online anonymity, accountability, and the impact of hate speech. The tension builds as the media delves deeper into Arthur Rambo's past, leading to a thrilling and unexpected climax that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
With stunning visuals and a haunting soundtrack, Arthur Rambo is a must-watch for anyone seeking a riveting exploration of identity, ethics, and the complexities of the online world.
Also Known As:
Arthur RamboRelease Date:
02 Feb 2022Writers:
Fanny Burdino, Laurent Cantet, Samuel DouxAwards:
2 nominations