Frasier is a beloved sitcom that originally aired from 1993 to 2004. Set in the vibrant city of Seattle, the show follows the life of Dr. Frasier Crane, a renowned psychiatrist with a charming wit. After experiencing a divorce in Boston, Frasier decides to start fresh by moving back to his hometown and living with his cantankerous but lovable father, Martin.
As he settles into his new life, Frasier takes up a job as a radio psychiatrist, hosting a call-in show where he offers advice and guidance to the troubled people of Seattle. In addition to his professional endeavors, Frasier navigates the complexities of his personal life, including his relationships with his quirky brother Niles, who is also a psychiatrist, and his father's live-in physical therapist, Daphne.
Throughout its eleven-season run, Frasier delivers an abundance of humor, wit, and heartwarming moments. The show skillfully balances Frasier's professional and personal life, creating a delightful mix of hilarious situations, heartfelt conversations, and entertaining relationships.
Praised for its sharp writing, talented ensemble cast, and sophisticated humor, Frasier has become a classic sitcom that continues to entertain audiences of all ages. So, sit back, relax, and join Dr. Frasier Crane on his hilarious journey through love, family, and the ups and downs of life in the Emerald City.
Also Known As:
FrasierRelease Date:
16 Sep 1993Writers:
David Angell, Peter Casey, David LeeAwards:
Won 37 Primetime Emmys. 130 wins & 276 nominations total