In the movie Bang Bang Baby (2022–), viewers follow the extraordinary journey of Alice, a teenager who becomes entangled in Milan's dark criminal world all for the sake of her love for her father. Tackling themes of family, loyalty, and creativity, this captivating film takes place in the backdrop of the 80s—an era that heavily influences Alice's imagination.
As Alice navigates the treacherous underbelly of Milan, she finds solace in the power of music, TV, and pop culture. Drawing inspiration from these mediums, Alice's boundless imagination becomes her coping mechanism. The film beautifully captures the essence of the 80s, transporting audiences to a world filled with colorful fashion, catchy tunes, and iconic references.
While avoiding spoilers, Bang Bang Baby is a coming-of-age story with a twist. Alice's determination to protect her father leads her down a dangerous path, exposing her to the darkest secrets of the criminal underworld. As the story progresses, viewers witness Alice's transformation from an innocent teenager into a strong and resilient young woman.
This visually stunning film combines elements of drama, mystery, and nostalgia, leaving audiences hooked from start to finish. Bang Bang Baby is a must-watch for fans of 80s culture, as well as those who appreciate captivating storytelling and immersive cinematography.
Also Known As:
Bang Bang BabyRelease Date:
01 Jul 2022Writers:
Andrea Di Stefano, Chiara Imbriale