From is a gripping and enigmatic series that delves into the eerie and baffling occurrences within a peculiar city located in middle U.S.A. The storyline revolves around the residents' relentless efforts to navigate their entrapment and find a means of escape. Bound by the city's mysterious force, they grapple with maintaining a semblance of normalcy while simultaneously facing the perils lurking within the surrounding forest.
This captivating series immerses viewers into a world shrouded in enigma, where every step taken deeper into the narrative uncovers unexpected twists and turns. Throughout each episode, the characters' struggle for survival constantly intensifies, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
From presents an intriguing blend of mystery and suspense, leaving viewers continuously questioning the origins and motives behind the city's sinister nature. The series invites viewers on an enthralling journey alongside the diverse cast of characters, all of whom must confront their fears, forge alliances, and uncover hidden truths as they battle to find a way out of their cage.
Prepare to be captivated by the spellbinding atmosphere of From, as it traces the intricate web of narratives that connect each character and slowly unravels the greater mystery at hand. With its immersive storytelling and gripping plotlines, this series guarantees an enthralling viewing experience that will leave audiences spellbound and hungry for more.
Also Known As:
FromRelease Date:
20 Feb 2022Writers:
John GriffinAwards:
1 win & 20 nominations