The Sky Is Everywhere is a heartwarming and poignant movie that follows the journey of a shy and talented teenage musician as she navigates the challenging aftermath of her older sister's death. The protagonist, Lennie, finds solace in her music and tries to hold onto her identity while coping with overwhelming grief.
Set against a backdrop of a small town filled with a tight-knit community, Lennie grapples with her own insecurities and fears, as well as the expectations and pressures placed upon her by her family and friends. As she attempts to keep the memory of her vibrant sister alive, Lennie finds herself caught in a love triangle with two boys, each offering her a different kind of comfort and understanding.
The Sky Is Everywhere explores themes of loss, love, and self-discovery as Lennie embarks on a journey of healing and finding her own voice. With its authentic and relatable characters, the film provides a thought-provoking and emotional exploration of grief and resilience, reminding viewers of the power of music and the importance of cherishing the connections we have with others.
This captivating and soul-stirring movie is a must-watch for audiences who appreciate heartfelt storytelling and genuine portrayals of the human experience.
Also Known As:
The Sky Is EverywhereRelease Date:
11 Feb 2022Writers:
Jandy Nelson