Immanence is a gripping science fiction horror film that follows a team of radio astronomers who stumble upon a profound discovery—a mysterious signal originating from the depths of the ocean that may indicate contact with extraterrestrial life. As their excitement grows, the team begins to experience ominous and terrifying manifestations that challenge their beliefs and plunge them into a desperate battle for survival against an unfathomable evil.
This thought-provoking movie explores themes of scientific curiosity, the nature of the unknown, and humanity's place in the vast universe. As the team grapples with their discovery, they are forced to confront their own fears and confront the limits of their understanding. With each frightful encounter, tensions rise and the stakes elevate, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
Immanence delivers a visually stunning and suspenseful narrative, combining elements of science fiction and horror to create an immersive and chilling experience. With its intricate plot and complex characters, this film will leave audiences captivated from beginning to end.
Prepare to be thrilled and terrified as you embark on a journey with the team of radio astronomers in Immanence, a gripping tale blending the wonders of the cosmos with the horrors that lie within.
Also Known As:
ImmanenceRelease Date:
04 Feb 2022Writers:
Kerry Bellessa, Joshua Oram