In Gagarine (2020), the protagonist Yuri is determined to protect his beloved hometown from demolition. Located in the suburbs of Paris, this once-thriving community faces the threat of destruction due to urban development plans. Inspired by his namesake and the first human to travel to outer space, Yuri Gagarin, the young and ambitious teenager refuses to sit idly by.
Yuri finds solace in a dilapidated housing project, affectionately referred to as Gagarine by its residents. With a passion for engineering and a vivid imagination, Yuri transforms the place into a self-sustaining spaceship, mirroring Gagarin's voyage. The project becomes his sanctuary, the embodiment of his dreams and aspirations.
As rumors of its impending demolition spread, Yuri rallies his friends and neighbors into an unexpected rebellion to save their cherished home. Together, they embark on a captivating journey to defend their community, fighting against the ruthless tide of progress.
Gagarine is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that delves into themes of identity, community, and the power of imagination. Through Yuri's determination and the collective spirit of the residents, the movie highlights the resilience and strength found within close-knit communities. As viewers follow Yuri's quest, they are captivated by his infectious energy and unwavering drive to preserve the place he holds dear.
Catch Gagarine to experience a heartwarming and thrilling story that celebrates the indomitable human spirit and the enduring power of home.
Also Known As:
GagarineRelease Date:
23 Jun 2021Writers:
Benjamin Charbit, Fanny Liatard, Jérémy TrouilhAwards:
3 wins & 9 nominations