Undeclared is a heartwarming and hilarious comedy series that revolves around the life of college freshman Steve Karp and his group of friends as they navigate their way through their first year of university. Set in a dormitory at the fictional University of North Eastern California, Steve and his friends face various challenges and exciting adventures that shape their college experiences.
Steve is accompanied by his girlfriend and their dormmates, creating a tight-knit group that supports each other through the ups and downs of college life. However, things take an unexpected turn when Steve's lonely and recently divorced father decides to join him on this adventure. This dynamic throws Steve's life into chaos, creating humorous and heartfelt moments as father and son learn to bond and navigate their new roles in each other's lives.
Throughout the series, viewers witness the characters' growth and transformation as they face issues such as love, friendship, academic pressure, and personal identity. With a talented ensemble cast, including Jay Baruchel, Seth Rogen, and Charlie Hunnam, Undeclared captures the essence of college life and the universal experiences that young adults encounter during this transformative period.
Dive into the captivating world of Undeclared and join Steve and his friends on an unforgettable journey as they discover themselves, forge lifelong friendships, and tackle the challenges that come with being “undeclared” in both life and academia.
Also Known As:
UndeclaredRelease Date:
25 Sep 2001Writers:
Judd Apatow