In the movie Consequences (2018), viewers are introduced to 18-year-old Andrej, who finds himself sent to a youth detention centre. This coming-of-age drama follows Andrej's journey as he navigates the complex dynamics within the group of inmates. As he spends more time in the center, he begins to develop a closer relationship with Zeljko, the informal leader of the group.
However, Andrej is faced with the challenge of keeping a deeply repressed secret hidden. This secret adds an additional layer of tension and suspense as the story unfolds. With the constant need to fight for his place and assert his presence within the group, Andrej must find a way to cope with his inner struggles.
Consequences examines themes of identity, friendship, and the consequences of one's actions. It sheds light on the realities faced by young individuals in detention centers, exploring the power dynamics and survival instincts that come into play in such environments.
With its gripping narrative and nuanced performances, Consequences takes the audience on an emotional journey, highlighting the challenges faced by the young protagonist. This character-driven drama addresses important societal issues and invites viewers to reflect on the impact of their choices.
Also Known As:
PoslediceRelease Date:
10 Oct 2018Writers:
Darko StanteAwards:
8 wins & 10 nominations