Introducing Teenage Euthanasia, a dark and delightfully twisted animated series that follows the life of a former teenage runaway mom, Caroline, who finds herself inadvertently brought back to life in her family's funeral home. This unexpected resurrection presents Caroline with a unique opportunity to reconnect with her now-teenage daughter, Reggie, and make amends for the past.
Set in the eerie town of La Belle Patine, this unconventional storyline combines elements of horror, comedy, and heartfelt familial relationships. As Caroline navigates the challenges of parenting as an undead mother, she must also confront the eccentricities of her dysfunctional family and the mysterious secrets lurking within their funeral home.
Teenage Euthanasia presents an offbeat and visually stunning animated world, showcasing the artistic talents of creator and director Alissa Nutting. Through its darkly comedic lens, the series explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the complexities of family dynamics.
With stunning animation and a captivating storyline, Teenage Euthanasia offers a fresh take on the coming-of-age genre. It seamlessly blends the supernatural with everyday teenage struggles, offering viewers an engaging and thought-provoking experience. Embark on this darkly humorous journey with Caroline as she embarks on her quest for forgiveness and the chance to rebuild her family, all while managing the challenges of being an undead parent.
Also Known As:
Teenage EuthanasiaRelease Date:
06 Sep 2021Writers:
Alyson Levy, Alissa Nutting