Agatha Christie's Hjerson (2021–) is an enthralling Swedish crime series that centers around Sven Hjerson, a retired criminal investigator who was once renowned for cracking some of Sweden's most challenging cases. This gripping show takes viewers on a thrilling journey as they delve into Hjerson's past successes and present life.
After stepping out of the limelight, Hjerson has chosen to live a quiet and obscure existence. However, a new case emerges that ignites his investigative instincts, and he is once again immersed in the world of crime-solving. With his unparalleled deductive skills and unique approach, Hjerson becomes an indispensable asset in cracking cases that the regular police force cannot.
The series deftly combines elements of mystery, suspense, and drama, drawing inspiration from the iconic works of Agatha Christie. Each episode presents a new and intricate puzzle for Hjerson to unravel, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. As the storyline unfolds, viewers are treated to a deeper exploration of Hjerson's character, uncovering the secrets that lie beneath his enigmatic past.
Agatha Christie's Hjerson (2021–) is a must-watch for crime enthusiasts, combining an absorbing narrative with impressive performances. Prepare to be captivated by Hjerson's sharp intellect and relentless pursuit of justice as he navigates through complex cases that push the boundaries of his abilities. With its compelling storyline and expertly crafted suspense, this series is sure to keep audiences engaged from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Agatha Christie's HjersonRelease Date:
16 Aug 2021Writers:
Patrik Gyllström