In the captivating TV series Forever (2014–2015), viewers are immersed in the intriguing life of a 200-year-old man named Henry Morgan, who works as a medical examiner in the New York City Morgue. However, there is more to Henry's story than meets the eye. He is cursed with immortality and has spent centuries searching for a way to break free from his eternal existence.
As Henry conducts his daily work, he begins to unravel the mysteries surrounding his immortality. Alongside his trusted confidante, Detective Jo Martinez, the duo becomes embroiled in a series of perplexing cases that touch upon Henry's own personal journey. Together, they dive into New York City's dark underbelly, investigating crimes and unearthing secrets that challenge their beliefs about life and death.
Throughout the series, Henry's past is gradually revealed, shedding light on the events that led to his perpetual existence. As he continues his quest to find the key to unlocking his curse, he also grapples with the weight of his immortality, the toll it takes on his relationships, and the moral dilemmas it presents.
Forever is an enthralling blend of crime procedural and supernatural drama that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. With its compelling characters, gripping storyline, and thought-provoking exploration of mortality, this series offers a unique and captivating viewing experience.
Also Known As:
ForeverRelease Date:
22 Sep 2014Writers:
Matthew MillerAwards:
4 nominations.