The Call (2020) is a gripping horror film set in the fall of 1987 that revolves around a group of small-town friends who find themselves in a nightmarish situation. After a devastating accident occurs, the friends seek help and unknowingly end up at the home of a sinister couple. The couple appears kind at first, but their true intentions soon become apparent, leading to a horrifying battle for survival.
The movie expertly builds tension and suspense as the friends try to escape their terrifying predicament. With its immersive setting and atmospheric visuals, The Call takes viewers on a thrilling and unsettling journey. The film's clever storytelling keeps audiences guessing and on the edge of their seats throughout.
The cast delivers powerful performances, drawing audiences deeper into the story. The characters face their fears and confront the horrors they encounter, showcasing their determination and resilience. Viewers will find themselves emotionally invested in the characters' struggles, cheering them on as they fight to escape the clutches of evil.
Directed by Timo Tjahjanto, The Call is a masterful blend of horror, suspense, and psychological thriller. Its impeccable cinematography and chilling score contribute to the overall sense of dread, leaving viewers with a lingering sense of unease. With its relentless pace and unexpected twists, The Call is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre.
Also Known As:
The CallRelease Date:
02 Oct 2020Writers:
Patrick Stibbs