In the sequel to the hit thriller The Babysitter, we are reintroduced to Cole, a high school student who is still recovering from a traumatic encounter with a satanic blood cult. Two years later, he is struggling to move on with his life as he navigates the horrors of high school. The demons from his past, including his former babysitter Bee, continue to haunt him and make his life a living nightmare.
Just when Cole thinks he has escaped the clutches of evil, he learns that his fears were not unfounded. On a school trip, he discovers that his classmates are part of a secret cult and are planning to sacrifice him as part of a ritual to bring back a powerful demon.
With his life once again on the line, Cole must find the strength to confront his deepest fears and stand up against the forces of darkness. Along the way, he will be joined by old friends and unlikely allies as they band together to fight for their lives.
The Babysitter: Killer Queen is a thrilling and heart-pounding sequel that combines elements of horror and comedy. Packed with intense action and unexpected twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Don't miss out on this thrilling battle between good and evil.
Just when Cole thinks he has escaped the clutches of evil, he learns that his fears were not unfounded. On a school trip, he discovers that his classmates are part of a secret cult and are planning to sacrifice him as part of a ritual to bring back a powerful demon.
With his life once again on the line, Cole must find the strength to confront his deepest fears and stand up against the forces of darkness. Along the way, he will be joined by old friends and unlikely allies as they band together to fight for their lives.
The Babysitter: Killer Queen is a thrilling and heart-pounding sequel that combines elements of horror and comedy. Packed with intense action and unexpected twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Don't miss out on this thrilling battle between good and evil.