Cobra Kai is a thrilling action-comedy series that continues the iconic story from the Karate Kid franchise. Set decades after their dramatic showdown at the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, Cobra Kai reintroduces us to Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence, who are now middle-aged and leading very different lives.
Daniel, played by Ralph Macchio, has become a successful businessman and owns a thriving car dealership. On the other hand, Johnny, portrayed by William Zabka, is struggling to make ends meet and seeks redemption for his troubled past. When Johnny reopens the Cobra Kai dojo, their paths cross again, reigniting their old rivalry.
The series explores themes of mentorship, resilience, and the power of second chances, while delving into the lives of both Daniel and Johnny's new generation of karate students. As they navigate their personal demons and confront their past mistakes, Daniel and Johnny find themselves torn between the lessons they learned as kids and the complex realities of adulthood.
With a perfect blend of nostalgia and fresh storytelling, Cobra Kai is a must-watch for fans of the Karate Kid franchise. It not only pays homage to the original films but also introduces a whole new generation to the world of karate and the timeless struggle between good and evil. Get ready for a thrilling ride filled with intense martial arts action, emotional drama, and unexpected twists.
Also Known As:
Cobra KaiRelease Date:
02 May 2018Writers:
Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, Hayden SchlossbergAwards:
Nominated for 9 Primetime Emmys. 4 wins & 68 nominations total