Penance is a gripping drama series that follows the lives of Rosalie and her daughter Maddie as they navigate through grief and find solace in their encounter with Jed. This chance meeting reignites a glimmer of hope in their household, promising a brighter future. However, viewers quickly realize that there is something sinister brewing beneath the surface.
As Rosalie and Maddie become entangled in Jed's presence, a dangerous and morally corrupt triangle begins to form. The intricate plot delves into the complexities of human emotions and the repercussions of past actions. Each character's motivations and secrets are gradually unraveled, creating an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue.
The series highlights the themes of grief, redemption, and the consequences of one's choices. It explores the fragile dynamics between the characters and the power of second chances. Penance aims to captivate viewers with its unpredictable twists and turns while delving deep into the human psyche.
With exceptional performances from the cast, Penance offers a thought-provoking and emotionally charged viewing experience. It is an exploration of love, loss, and the lengths people go to seek forgiveness and find redemption. Be prepared to be enthralled by this gripping and morally complex drama.
Also Known As:
PenanceRelease Date:
17 Mar 2020