In the action-packed thriller Survive The Night (2020), a disgraced doctor's life takes a terrifying turn when his home becomes the battleground for a deadly game of survival. After a robbery gone wrong, two fugitives, Richie and his injured brother Mathias, seek refuge in the doctor's house. With the doctor's family held hostage, he is forced to use his medical skills to keep Mathias alive, their lives hanging in the balance. As the night unfolds, tensions rise and secrets emerge, pushing everyone to their limits.
Led by action veteran Bruce Willis in the role of the desperate doctor, Survive The Night delivers heart-pounding suspense and adrenaline-fueled action. The film explores themes of family, redemption, and sacrifice as the doctor fights to protect his loved ones while facing his own demons.
With a gripping storyline and intense performances, Survive The Night leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, as they root for the doctor and his family to outsmart their captors and make it through the night alive. This high-octane thriller is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
Survive the NightRelease Date:
22 May 2020Writers:
Doug Wolfe