Intuition (2020) is a gripping crime thriller that follows Pipa, a young police detective, as she embarks on her career alongside her mentor, the enigmatic detective Francisco Juánez. The duo is faced with the daunting task of solving the brutal murder of a 19-year-old girl.
As Pipa delves deeper into the mystery, she discovers a dark and complex web of deceit and corruption that extends far beyond the initial crime. With the clock ticking and the pressure mounting, Pipa and Francisco must navigate through an intricate labyrinth of clues, suspects, and hidden motives to uncover the truth.
Intuition combines suspense, drama, and mystery to deliver a thrilling cinematic experience. The film offers a fresh and innovative take on the classic detective genre, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the secrets behind the heinous crime.
With its stunning cinematography, intense performances, and a tightly woven plot, Intuition captivates viewers from start to finish. As the investigation unfolds, viewers are taken on a riveting journey filled with unexpected twists and turns that will leave them guessing until the very end.
Directed by Alejandro Montiel, Intuition is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers looking for a thought-provoking and adrenaline-pumping film.
Also Known As:
La CorazonadaRelease Date:
28 May 2020Writers:
Alejandro Montiel