I Am Fear (2020) is a gripping thriller that follows the story of Sara Brown, a prominent reporter who finds herself held captive by a group of terrorists. Trapped in a cell, Sara anxiously awaits her impending filmed beheading. However, the terrorists have an ulterior motive - they aim to reveal the essence of true terror to the world, even though they have yet to witness it themselves.
As the tension escalates, Sara must navigate a dangerous game of survival while trying to understand her captors' motivations. She soon realizes that there is more to their plan than meets the eye. As the terrorists' true intentions come to light, Sara's will to fight for her life intensifies.
Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, I Am Fear keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, weaving a compelling storyline that explores the depths of terror and human perseverance. With stunning performances and expert direction, this film takes audiences on an intense and suspenseful journey.
I Am Fear delves into the psychology of fear and the lengths individuals will go to in the face of unimaginable circumstances. This thought-provoking film is a must-watch for fans of gripping thrillers and explores the darkness that can reside within humanity.
Also Known As:
I Am FearRelease Date:
03 Mar 2020Writers:
Kevin Shulman (screenplay), Nathaniel Shulman (screenplay)