Home for Christmas is a heartwarming Norwegian television series that revolves around the life of Johanne, a 30-year-old woman constantly bombarded by comments about her single status and societal pressure to have the perfect family Christmas. Fed up with the judgment and expectations, Johanne embarks on a 24-day quest to find a suitable partner to bring home for Christmas.
Through a series of encounters and dates, Johanne navigates the challenges of modern dating, discovering her own desires and preferences along the way. As she meets a diverse range of potential suitors, each with their own quirks and qualities, Johanne grapples with the question of what truly matters when it comes to finding a soulmate.
The series beautifully explores themes of love, connection, and authenticity, as Johanne learns to embrace her own journey and navigate societal pressures. Home for Christmas offers a fresh and relatable take on the complexities of modern relationships, while also providing plenty of humor and heartwarming moments.
With its engaging storyline and lovable characters, this series is a delightful choice for viewers seeking a heartwarming holiday experience that will leave them feeling uplifted and inspired. Join Johanne on her search for love and the true meaning of Christmas in this charming Norwegian series.
Also Known As:
Home for ChristmasRelease Date:
05 Dec 2019Writers:
Kristian Andersen, Amir Shaheen, Per-Olav SørensenAwards:
2 nominations