In the heartwarming animated adventure, Abominable, three brave teenagers embark on an extraordinary journey to help a lovable Yeti find his way home. When the endearing creature, which they affectionately nickname Everest, unexpectedly crosses paths with Yi, the teenage protagonist, their lives take an exciting and heartwarming turn.
As Yi and her friends, Jin and Peng, discover the magical creature hiding on their rooftop in the bustling city of Shanghai, they are whisked away on an epic adventure. Determined to protect Everest from those who wish to exploit him, the trio embarks on a perilous quest to reunite him with his family in the Himalayan mountains.
However, their journey is far from easy. They face numerous challenges as they navigate the breathtaking landscapes of China, including a ruthless tycoon and a zoologist, each eager to capture the Yeti for their own selfish desires. With the clock ticking, the resilient teenagers must outwit their adversaries and rely on their courage and friendship to ensure Everest's safe return.
Abominable is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant animated film that celebrates the power of friendship, bravery, and the boundless wonders of nature. Perfect for audiences of all ages, this heartwarming tale will captivate and inspire viewers as they join Yi, Jin, and Peng on an extraordinary adventure of a lifetime.
Also Known As:
AbominableRelease Date:
27 Sep 2019Writers:
Jill CultonAwards:
4 wins & 23 nominations