Draug is an intense and mysterious horror film set in the vast forests of northern Sweden in the 11th century. When a missionary mysteriously disappears in this unforgiving wilderness, a rescue party is formed to find him. Nanna, a brave young woman on her first real mission, joins the group as they venture into the very region where she was born.
As the team delves deeper into the forest, they come face to face with an ancient and malevolent force that lurks in the shadows. The evil they encounter is far beyond anything they could have imagined, and it soon becomes clear that they are battling against a dark and formidable enemy.
Directed by Karin Engman and Klas Persson, Draug takes viewers on a suspenseful journey, offering thrilling twists and turns throughout. The film masterfully weaves together elements of horror, history, and folklore, immersing viewers in a chilling and atmospheric world.
With stunning cinematography and a haunting score, Draug delivers a visually captivating experience. The talented cast brings depth and authenticity to their roles, adding to the film's overall impact. This suspenseful horror movie is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.